Bite-size training from FireWorks HRM

Starting from 2016 we are launching a set of “Bite Size” trainings for professional self-development which is applicable for professionals of all industries and levels.

What is bite- size training?

This is innovative way of delivering soft skills trainings in Azerbaijan, which should interest all kind of audience. During 90 minutes session you will be interacting by different group activities with your colleagues and at the same time sharing your professional experience with the trainer.

Why is bite-size training?

Well delivered,a focused bite-size session can deliver more relevant learning and specific take – away actions than a traditional one or two day course that attempts to cover too much ground and training fatigue sets in–and so very little different ever happens as a result.

There is the challenge of time!Increasingly these days,most people find it very difficult to  take one or two days away from their hectic schedule and in-box to complete a training course. By the time they finally get back to their job,the good intentions from the last couple of days away rapidly fade into the backlog of work.Conversely,our 90 minute course participants are able to quickly get in,get out, and apply their learning immediately – no delay.

List of topics

We offer you 103 topic for self-development. You are flexible to take all of them or only a few of them. It is totally up to your needs and decision. Some of the topics we offer, but are not limited at: planning & organizing, personal effectiveness, creative thinking, decision making, handle your stress, body language, communication skills, effective email, service & you, management skills, challenging conversations, emotional intelligence and etc. The full list of sessions you may find by opening attachment .


Trainings are delivered by one of our partner trainer. They all are Certified Professional in Learning and Performance and has over ten years of experience in Learning & Development in Global companies with diverse cultural, national and age environment.

Dates & time: Training is available upon the request, monday-friday: 7 p.m.- 8.30 p.m., saturday: 10 a.m.-11.30 a.m.